
Alcoho-lock: the world's first breathalyzer bicycle lock

Alcoho-lock lock

Don't drink and drive. A rule that applies not only to drivers of motor vehicles but also to cyclists. Cycling under the influence of alcohol is also dangerous, as it weakens our perceptive abilities, slows down reactions and abilities, and causes disturbances in motor coordination and drowsiness. But since today nothing teaches us - despite considerable penalties even for cycling under the influence of alcohol - in Japan they came up with the idea of a special bike lock Alcoho-lock, the first breathalyzer bike lock in the world.

Alcoho-lock it is the world's first breathalyzer bicycle lock. Do you think it's excessive? Not to us. Many people are convinced that it is cycling under the influence of alcohol better idea than driving behind the wheel. At first glance, this may seem so, but the fact is that the steering is despite the lower speeds just as dangerous, not to mention it's also illegal. It's worth the risk or is it better to push the bike next to you/leave it there until the next day, so it will take longer to get home, but get there in one piece?

READ MORE: With the Linka smart lock, you will never be part of the stolen bike statistics

Alcoho-lock bicycle lock prevents them from behaving irresponsibly and "spoiling" the hero. To unlock the bike, you need to start it mobile application and blow air into the breathalyzer (etilometer), which is located at the "bottom" of the lock. If it detects that you are exceeded the permissible presence of alcohol in exhaled air, the lock will not be unlocked, but at the same time it will be through the application about it notifications to your loved ones/friends, including your location, if you happen to need a ride.

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