
Concert by Alenka Godec with pianist Miran Juvan

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, Krka
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Entrance fee
Ticket sales: one hour before the event at the venue.

We invite you to a concert of evergreen melodies with top vocalist Alenko Godec and pianist Miran Juvan. The concert will take place as part of the Krka festival, on Friday, August 26, 2011 at 8:00 pm in the Krka Social Center.


Alenka Godec will perform at the Krka Festival with pianist Miran Juvan. Accompanied by the piano, she will walk among the most beautiful Slovenian songs in a different, more intimate way. She will present most of the songs from both albums The most beautiful songs have already been written, as well as some others.


Ticket sales: one hour before the event at the venue.


You are welcome

The Krka Festival – a source of creativity


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Adi Smolar

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