
All narcissists treat their "victims" the same way! Do you have one near you?

All narcissists are supposed to behave the same way. In relationships with a partner, they go through three phases: idealize, devalue, and then discard you. Have you ever experienced the 'love bomb' that a narcissist planted on your skin?

When we meet new people, sometimes things turn out differently than we expected. Maybe you've met a narcissist who professed his love for you after five minutes of talking - he wanted to make you feel like you were what he'd been waiting for all his life, but he only put you in an uncomfortable position that forced you to give in to the pressure and go out with him into a relationship.

This is what they look like stages of behavior in relationships with narcissists!

1. The idealization phase

A relationship with a narcissist should unfolded very quickly. After just the first few weeks of dating, you'll hear: "You are my soul mate.", "I have never met a person like you.", "Fate is to blame that we met.", "I am the only person who is your true friend.", "We will be together forever.", "You are perfect.".

Stage 1: Idealization
Stage 1: idealizing

2. Phase of devaluation

Once a narcissist has 'caught' his victim, he is said to start pointing your true face. All the things he loved about you become annoying. He starts criticizing you so that you lose your confidence. He will create the illusion that the relationship is worth staying in and convince you that you are it's all your fault. More and more often you will hear: "You're crazy.", "You're too sensitive.", "What's wrong with you?", "My friends don't like you, but I always stand up for you.", "I'm more important to you /-from friends, right?", "You won't achieve anything with tears.".

"You won't achieve anything with tears!"
"You won't achieve anything with tears!"

When you ask him why he is behaving like this, he will start telling you: "I'm like this because my parents treated me badly.", "My ex cheated on me.", "Everyone is leaving me - I need help.", "I'm afraid that I will lost.", "Do you remember how good we were at the beginning of the relationship?", "Stop being selfish.".

They will try to devalue everything the victim loves - from family, friends, work, hobbies. They will want to offend you: “I don't like your friends”, “You like this? Terrible, I don't know how you can enjoy this.", "Your family doesn't like me, so I don't want you to see them that often.", "If you go out with your friends, I'll be mad at you. ".

They will try to devalue everything the victim loves.
They will try to devalue everything the victim loves.

To have fun, they will showed their superiority in all situations. They will use these words: "I said that because I've already had a few relationships.", "You can't wear that because I said so.", "The dress you're wearing is too short.", "You know I'm smarter than you."

3. Rejection phase

It will get worse!
It will get worse!

When a narcissist completely destroys a victim, they are supposed to he wanted to save himself. At this stage, insults will reach a new level. They will want in different ways to humiliate the victim in order to ensure that they will leave as winners. You will hear: "Everyone hates you.", "You're a bad person.", No one will ever love you.", "I'm the best you ever had.", "You'll be alone for the rest of your life.", "It's all your fault.".

The only way to escape the insults and threats you face on a daily basis is to try to get out of the narcissist's clutches or you will be under constant pressure and stress.

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