
All the unfortunate people of this world have one thing in common: but the wheel of fortune can only turn!

The biggest mistake is to think that the accident is the result of some external factor!

One of the most common misconceptions is that happiness is a matter of personal effort and perspective, and that unhappiness is only caused by external factors, i.e. it happens outside of our control. Unhappiness is the result combinations of our works, qualities, mindset, ability to adapt. But we think that this is the result of some external things and we fear that we have lost control over the situation.

However, the reality is often quite different: some people are happy even when they have no particular reason for it, others feel deeply unhappy, even though they have everything in this world. AND this is because the essence, happiness, is within ourselves!

Happiness is within us!
Happiness is within us!

This supports the fact that all unhappy people have one characteristic in common.

In childhood, if we were lucky, our parents gave us everything we needed. Over time, they taught us independence so that we would be able to take care of ourselves. So we started relationships, we started making decisions for ourselves whether to play sports or music, we decided how to behave, we started bearing the consequences for our decisions!

If the child never had this opportunity, that is, to be independent, he grew up into an immature person. It is a typical result of unhealthy parental attachment, or parents who most likely projected their own feelings and desires onto the child. In adulthood, such children become unhappy. Their immaturity becomes the basis of every habit and behavior, which ultimately leads them to dissatisfaction with their own lives.

Immaturity becomes the basis of every habit and behavior, which ultimately leads to dissatisfaction with one's life.
Immaturity becomes the basis of every habit and behavior, which ultimately leads to dissatisfaction with one's life.

If a person does not take responsibility for their words and actions, they become a threat to all their relationships and cause pain to others. And this is pure immaturity!

If we don't take care of our body and home, for example because we don't want to eat healthy or because we don't like to wash the dishes, we have problems in each of these areas. It is just another manifestation of immaturity.

If someone disappoints us, we project rejection onto them and become cruel. Passive aggressive statements and behavior push us into a corner and make us even more vulnerable than we already are. And this is immaturity!

When we are unhappy with the path our life has taken, but instead of doing something we complain like a helpless child, we are unhappy. And that is the hallmark of immaturity.

But if we slowly grow up, become responsible for our actions and decisions, the results are visible. For your work, for your home. The goals are achieved. Both short term and long term. A healthy relationship, a family is formed, mature children are raised. Over time, we realize that this is one of the greatest sources of happiness - the absolute peace that we have when we return to our home, to our place that we love and where we are loved. We show a desire for contact, we reap the fruits of our efforts and enjoy them.

Maturity allows us to focus on the big picture without focusing on petty and fleeting desires. And immaturity DISABLES us from all this.

Therefore, the biggest reason people are unhappy is that they don't want to take responsibility for their lives and don't want to take a step forward to turn the wheel of happiness!

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