
Do you always dress in black, red or blue? What does the color of your clothes reveal about your personality!?

+ all other colors of clothes...

Photo: envato

Clothes do not make the man, but they are important for the first impression. Even the colors you wear can say a lot about you. Colors not only have the potential to affect the mood of others around us, but can also represent aspects of our personality. A 1974 study by scientists Keith Jacobs and Frank Hustmyer even showed that colors can change our heart rate, blood pressure and breathing.

The meaning of the red color of clothes

Positive associations red includes passion, love, romance, enthusiasm, courage, energy, confidence, leadership, strength. While negative associations they indicate danger, aggression and risk. Whether negative or positive associations, red is associated with intense emotions. It is also a color that requires courage to wear.

If you wear a lot of red, chances are you are energetic and communicative. You like to live life to the fullest and take more risks than the people around you. You are also likely to get annoyed easily and may be a bit self-centered.

Conversely, if you are otherwise shy and now want to be noticed, consider incorporating more red into your clothing because red is often the first color the human eye notices.

Several studies on red have shown that it can have various behavioral effects, including that it can increase heart rate, affect attention, and make people who wear it more attractive. Red goes well with blue, pink, gray and brown.

The meaning of orange clothing

Positive associations orange colors include creativity, ambition, energy, friendship, youth, learning, abundance and optimism. Negative associations they include immaturity and divided attention.

Attracts others and encourages interaction, therefore, this color is a great choice for extroverts and those who generally like to talk to others. Although it has positive connotations, it can also turn some people off. Research has shown that many people, especially women, like this color the least.

If you do not know how to combine colors, we advise you to combine them with blue, red, black, gray, brown and green.

The meaning of yellow clothes

Positive associations yellow includes happiness, courage, activity, creativity, excitement and relaxation. While negative associations they include immaturity, dependency and fear.

Generally wearing yellow we associate with happiness, fun and positive mood. It is the color of the sun and therefore can lift the mood.

Studies have shown that it is a mood-elevating color, partly due to the increased production of serotonin in the brain. Yellow also improves concentration, which is why we see it on billboards and street signs, it is also a color that can express fear.

The meaning of green clothes

The next one is green, which ones positive associations they include freshness, relaxation, nurturing, sociability, money and finances, nature, charisma, reliability, creativity, balance, healing and generosity. Negative associations they include secrecy, envy and stagnation.

The color green is pleasant to the eyes and mind. So if you regularly wear green, chances are you want to be loved and recognized. It puts the least amount of strain on the eyes, and researchers from the University of Amsterdam found that looking at green keeps people in a good mood, and a study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that it can boost creativity.

Green is also often associated with nature, so it can also have a calming effect in this way.

The meaning of blue clothes

It is a calming color that will make people around you feel comfortable. Positive associations they include friendship, loyalty, positivity, confidence, calmness, honesty, reliability, peace, intelligence, efficiency, success, control, independence, truth and wisdom. It has relatively little negative associations, but they most often report shyness and coldness.

Research from the University of British Columbia has shown that darker shades such as navy blue can increase production calming hormones, such as oxytocin, in the brain and that people feel safer exploring their ideas when surrounded by blue.

Blue can often give its owner a sense of control. It is therefore a particularly good choice for job interviews or other business events.

The meaning of purple clothes

Positive associations purple colors include leadership, sophistication, wealth, luxury, creativity, charm, confidence, imagination, sentimentality and spirituality. While negative associations they include bullying, unpredictability, sensitivity, shyness and introversion.

Mary Ellen Lapp, author of The Color of Success, claims that purple should be completely avoided, especially in job interviews or romantic encounters.

When combining colors with purple, you can choose gray, white, black, brown, red and blue.

The meaning of pink clothes

Positive associations pink colors include honesty, love, romance, optimism, sophistication, comfort, affection, kindness and calmness. Negative links with pink include vulnerability and weakness.

Pink can also have a strong effect on mood and emotional health. In fact, in the 1970s, psychologist Alexander Schauss discovered that prisoners who stared at pink-painted walls and ceilings reported overall reduced levels of aggression.

Pink is generally a popular color in society. And as such, it is often used in marketing campaigns. Breast cancer awareness comes to mind as an example.

The meaning of white clothes

Positive associations white colors include trust, perfection, balance, innocence, purity, simplicity, optimism, courage, reliability and freedom. Negative associations on white are perfectionism and sterility.

Because white is usually associated with things like freedom, purity and simplicity, so many people often buy items in white, especially things like furniture.

White is neutral and many call it colorless. That's why it can be worn by different personality types because it's like a blank canvas. In addition to helping you keep your stave idti clean, it also gives the impression that you are well organized.

you can wear it alone or combine it with other colors. White goes well with all colors.

The meaning of gray clothes

Positive associations grays include balance, neutrality, sophistication, serenity, maturity and calmness. While negative they include conformity, coldness, sterility and apathy.

Another of the basic neutral shades of clothes is gray, which gives the impression of an organized and reliable person. If you find that your closet is full of gray, break the monotony by adding other colors.

Those who wear a lot of gray generally prefer not to draw too much attention to themselves, and it can actually dampen the mood.

Darker grays convey a strong will, while lighter shades convey more nonchalance.

The meaning of black clothes

Positive associations they include sophistication, strength, power, authority, formality, elegance, luxury, intelligence and efficiency. Black also has many negative associations, including coldness, cruelty, depression, aggression, mystery, death and sadness.

Black is also popular because of its ability to in it you look slimmer. People who wear a lot of black clothes are generally ambitious. It is also the color of fulfilled people and maturity, and the color of luxury and elegance.

However, some studies have shown that the color black has a negative connotation. Researchers from the University of Florida found that the color black can stimulate aggressive behavior.

Black goes well with gray and white and red. It is also great for formal occasions.

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