
Amazing 3D illusions with drawing

Extraordinary 3D illusions with drawing

Don't believe everything you see. We present to you incredible 3D illusions with drawings signed by the artist Howard Lee, which will trick you. One of the objects is real, while the other is "merely" a 3D drawing. Guess which one is which?

Some of them 3D drawings the artist Howard Lee they are so realistic that you won't be able to tell them apart from real objects. Check if you know distinguish the real from the drawn, and then see how Lee drew the drawings.

READ MORE: Magician Dynamo: magic tricks and illusions that will blow your mind

Today is the line between reality and fiction the power to blur in many ways, but even more than achievements with Photoshop, we are impressed by tricks that are performed without technological aids. Guess what in the video is an object and what is a drawing?

Amazing 3D illusions with drawing:

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