
Stunning inflatable fashion creations

Japanese art duo Daisy Balloons brings stunning creations fashioned from countless tiny inflatable balloons. In addition to complex fashionable women's dresses, they also create art installations that simply take your breath away.

An artist Rie Hosokai and graphic designer Takashi Kawada or the duo Daisy Balloons use new material for their masterpieces light, but extremely delicate balloons. Under this brand since 2008 Daisy Balloons they fascinate people all over the world with a rich range of creations in the spirit of the themes of perception and quality.

Singer Bjork in their exclusive DNA dress creation. Photo: Bjork
Singer Bjork in their exclusive DNA dress creation. Photo: Bjork

They received many awards for their work, and they also designed for Björk. A creation with a title "DNA dress" the Icelandic singer wore last year at a popular Japanese festival Fuji Rock.

Delicacy thus reflects their work immense imagination and architectural excellence, which dictates a completely new dimension of design.

Check out these interesting creations.

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