
A stunning "timelapse" from the biggest hot air balloon festival in the world

Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), yes, this Albuquerque, where the Breaking Bad series took place, hosts the largest balloon festival in the world every October, when hot air balloons swarm the air for nine days. As if the colorful colors of autumn leaves weren't colorful enough. It is a spectacle that is visited by more than 800 thousand people and is the scene of unforgettable scenes, such as this fresh timelapse that we have attached.

In Albuquerque in October, the sky is more crowded than the roads, because that's when they gather in swarms colorful balloons gathered from all over the world, who flock to the city across the river Rio Grande once a year since the year 1972. Back then, the festival started with a modest thirteen balloons/teams, but swelled more like an American real estate balloon, as it is also visited every year up to a thousand balloons or balloon teams.

READ MORE: Why is a million and a half balloons in the air at once not a good idea?

This is what rush hour traffic looks like in Albuquerque in October.
This is what rush hour traffic looks like in Albuquerque in October.

Because it complements the scenography in the background Sandia Mountains unsurprisingly, it applies to the most photographed event in the world. Watch the timelapse video and see for yourself.

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