
AmaZing Venues - British sea forts turned into luxury hotels

In the late 19th century, the English feared a French invasion as the devil of the cross. For this purpose, they built a series of terrifying sea forts along the southern coast of the Solent Strait. They lost their purpose over the years, and the British company AmaZing Venues found a great solution for them - they turned the sea forts into some unique island destinations. Two sea forts, Spitbank Fort and No Man's Fort have already become luxury resorts and hotels.

The first such project Amazing Venues saw the light of day already in 2012. Spitbank Fort it is one of the most unique destinations in the world, and it receives praise from all over the world. Eight luxury bedrooms, an outdoor pool with hot water, sauna, wine cellar and board games rooms are the ideal location for exclusive events, private parties and weddings.

Another sea fort is opening this year. No Man's Fort at three times the size of Spitbank Fort, it is the perfect location for larger events and corporate parties. On four floors and almost seven thousand square meters we find 22 luxury apartments, arena with lasers, mini golf, heated room with fireplace, large terrace with fireplace, spa, cabaret bar, shops and restaurants. The price of the apartment starts at 616 euros per night (or around 1560 euros per night for Penthouse in the lighthouse). But here you can peek into No Man's Fort for free.

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Check out AmaZing Venues No Man's Fort in the gallery.

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