
Amazon Prime Air: Amazon successfully made its first drone delivery

Amazon Prime Air - Delivery by drones

Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, now also delivers with drones. The first successful delivery - to one Richard B. Amazon delivered a bag of popcorn and his Fire Stick TV video streaming device - took place in the UK (in rural Cambridge), from the time the customer placed the order to the time of delivery , a scant 13 minutes have passed. The drone does the delivery entirely by itself. The service is called Amazon Prime Air.

Amazon it is in Great Britain passed successfully the first delivery by drone. The project is still in the test phase and is available only to a narrow circle of users who are located near the Amazon warehouse. And yet. Why did they choose the Island and not the USA? Due to legislation, as the local government allowed Amazon to test the service Prime Air, while in the US Amazon is still waiting for the green light. In Britain they already allow it control of drones even when they are not in the user's field of vision, but across the pond they have not yet nodded to it.

Amazon drones that in flight they automatically avoid obstacles, are relatively small (at least compared to the prototypes) and can carry heavy packages up to 2.5 kilograms. The package is delivered to the place marked by the customer with QR code. They made the first delivery December 7, 2016, and the date will probably be regarded as a turning point. He became the first customer to have goods delivered by Amazon using a drone Richard B. of Cambridge.

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The advantages of such delivery are obvious. The customer receives the ordered goods much faster, so are they lower delivery costs. Only one person participates in the entire operation, who packed the product and installed it on the drone. He does everything else himself. In addition to weight, there are other restrictions weather conditions. Amazon Prime Air is currently only available in good weather, good visibility, light winds and daylight. This moment is only available for two users, and soon it will be available to the hundred and third.

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