
Amelia Rose Earhart is going on a round-the-world flight

Amelia Rose Earhart

If the planned venture succeeds, Amelia Rose Earhart will become the youngest woman to fly around the world in a single-engine plane in June.

Amelia Rose Earhart you are with your namesake Amelia Mary Earhart in addition to the name, he also shares a passion for everything related to aviation. The Amelia from history was an aeronautical engineer and adventurer, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, she also set several records, wrote several bestsellers about her flight experiences, and in 1937, while attempting to fly around the world, she disappeared somewhere around Howland Island .

Amelia Rose Earhart
Amelia Rose Earhart

Amelia Rose Earhart from the present, she is thirty years old and has no common roots with the aforementioned, but she also has blood flowing through her veins that likes adrenaline, which pushes to the sky, heights, flying. Therefore, Amelia will try to repeat the failed attempt of her "predecessor". The main difference between the test then and now is the preparation and, of course, the technology.

Amelia plans one-hour flight in June 2014, which we will be able to follow live and actively via social networks. Together with co-pilot Patrick Carter will be live from the flight over Twitter and Facebook answered questions and chatted with everyone who will accompany them on their adventure. However, this one is still in the foreground, although they almost pay more attention to the show, to the live broadcast...

Anyway, the flight will last 14 days, included 14 stations, and will start and end in Oakland, California. Although modern technology has advanced greatly since the time of the first Amelia, this does not mean that the pilot has an easy task. Just like 76 years ago, the pilots will face the turbolencami and long distances, far away from land. If Earhart's feat succeeds, she will become the youngest woman in history to fly around the world in a single-engine plane. As Amelia said, the goal of the project is to inspire future generations of female pilots.

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