
Amillarah Private Islands: floating private islands that you can place anywhere in the world

Amillarah Private Islands floating private islands

If you manage to find a private island in the real estate market right now, this notion of luxury, freedom and privacy, it is probably very remote and in danger of sharing the fate of more than 18 that have already been submerged by sea level. If none of these are the case, then the astronomical price will probably put you off. The private islands of Amillarah Private Islands - except for the last fact - do not know the mentioned problems. These are environmentally friendly floating islands that you can not only tailor, but also "place" where you like.

Private islands they are like diamonds. Beauty is essential, a rarity it makes every comfort that much more desirable. Private islands are also an invitation to dreams, a place to escape from all the hustle and bustle. Nevertheless private islands also have disadvantages. Are they too isolated, or the maintenance is sinfully expensive, or water runs down their throats (read threatened by rising sea levels). With islands Amillarah Private Islands it's all a thing of the past (except the high price). The company does indeed sell such islands, but it is not a classic real estate agency. They offer floating islands. As products. This is not about existing islandsh, which you can (already) find on the map. At these islands, which were designed by the Danish architect Koen Olthuis, namely, they can choose not only what types of real estate will grow on it, but also where the island will be located.

Custom island.
Custom island.

Since they float on water, they will never be in danger of sinking, and since they are man-made, they do not need to be flat at the end of the world to the left. And even if you don't have the money for such a private island, it's nice to know that you will paradise island always waited, even if now they buy you all the relatively cheap islands offered by the Greeks in order to reduce their indebtedness. Then you will simply "put" your own an oasis of peace with air conditioning and the equipment you want.

READ MORE: The most expensive islands in the world that you can buy

All floating islands of Amillarah Private Islands are environmentally friendly, and with the infrastructure also comes underwater habitat for marine life. And don't be surprised if the world map changes drastically in the future. Therefore, they will not be needed tectonic movements or volcanic eruptions, only people with enough money under their thumb, who will build their "castle" surrounded by a natural "fortress moat" (read sea).

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