
Amazing trick with black pepper: use it in the laundry to keep the colors of your clothes like new!

Photo: envato

Laundry – that household chore that we can never completely avoid. Although it seems simple, it can quickly turn into a real mission of rescuing colors, materials and textures. One wrong step and your favorite T-shirt goes from vibrant red to a shade of "washed pink."

Fortunately, there is a trick that doesn't involve expensive chemicals to Laundry, but just a simple spice that you already have in your kitchen – black pepper! Yes, you read that right. These little miracle grains are not only for improving the taste of your dishes, but they can also freshen up your clothes.

Black pepper: more than just a spice

Black pepper is the king of spices – almost every kitchen has it, but few know that it’s also great for cleaning clothes. While we’re working on how to properly add it to sauce, maybe we should start adding it to… the washing machine!

Black pepper for washing clothes. / Photo: envato

Its secret power? The key ingredient in pepper is piperine, a natural alkaloid that can help prevent clothing shrinkage and color fading. It also has antibacterial properties, meaning it can remove unpleasant odors from clothing. Goodbye, smelly sweatpants!

How to use black pepper in laundry?

The process is simple:

  1. Add one teaspoon of ground black pepper. directly into the washing machine drum before starting the wash.
  2. Use regular detergent, but you can add a little less as the pepper will help keep your clothes fresh.
  3. Wash your laundry as usual and enjoy more vibrant colors and pleasantly scented clothes.

To add a little extra softness to your laundry, you can sprinkle a little freshly ground pepper into the fabric softener drawer or add it to the drum during the rinse cycle. The result? Softer laundry without harsh chemicals.

Benefits of using black pepper for laundry

Why resort to expensive chemical supplements when nature can offer you a simple solution? Here are the key reasons why you should try this trick:

Black pepper has many benefits when washing clothes. / Photo: envato

Prevents clothing shrinkage – Piperine helps maintain the elasticity of fabrics, meaning your favorite shirt will stay the same size (and not end up as a tight version for your younger sibling).

Preserves color – The colors of the clothes remain vibrant and intense, without that “washed out” look after a few washes.

Removes unpleasant odors – The antibacterial properties of pepper help neutralize odors and keep your clothes smelling really fresh.

Environmentally friendly – A natural alternative to chemical products that does not harm the environment or your health.

black pepper It's not only a must-have in the kitchen, but also an indispensable helper in the laundry room. So the next time you're standing in front of the washing machine wondering how to keep your clothes looking as good as new, reach for this secret ingredient. Your clothes (and your wallet) will thank you!

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