
The Astrological Sign That Never Cheats (And Doesn't Forgive Infidelity)

Photo: IG @onlylovemood

Astrology can reveal a lot about the attitude towards infidelity of individual astrological signs, and one of them is especially known for its unconditional loyalty. Just which one is it?

For most people, monogamy is the key to a relationship, and love and loyalty are the keys to a successful relationship.

Which astrological sign especially gravitates towards a secure loving relationship where there is no room for adultery?

Of all the astrological signs, it is cancer the one who most strives for a regular relationship full of love and trust. He is never completely happy until he creates a deep emotional connection. And when he falls in love, he thinks long-term.

He is looking for a person to build a home and start a family with. It gives a lot and also demands a lot. He craves attention, he loves you to show him your love, and he will always return it in equal measure.

When she encounters problems in a relationship, she doesn't avoid them, but solves them because she doesn't want anything to get in the way of their love. He does not even think about infidelity, because he is faithful from beginning to end.

They want love without a fig in their pocket. Photo: Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

Cancer is not the only astrological sign known for its loyalty.

The following astrological signs also avoid cheating.

Bull it is reliable and strives for stability.

Libra he has an innate longing for justice and fairness, so he wants a harmonious relationship.

A virgin she is sensitive and wants traditional love.

Capricorn he is patient and will work on the relationship as long as it is necessary and worthwhile.

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