
Anatomy of a Perfect Smile: What is a Perfect Smile?

The anatomy of a perfect smile

What constitutes a perfect smile is a rather subjective opinion. And although we humans don't pay too much attention to what makes a perfect smile, in an age where we are obsessed with appearance and perfection, it's no wonder that someone has worked out the details of a smile and arrived at the perfect smile.

Nice smile it works wonders in no-many situations; with it we are more confident, it makes our day better. Well, you know what he's like a perfect smile? How wide should the mouth spread, how much gum can you show (so you don't commit a crime gummy smile, that is, a smile with too many gums), what should be the line of the lower lip, what distance between the teeth, etc.?

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Of course, they are for a perfect smile teeth in the foreground and not the width of the smile, but when we seek perfection, we must not miss even the smallest detail. Therefore, you will be in the hunt for a cinematic smile the bottom one came in handy infographic.

The anatomy of a perfect smile.
The anatomy of a perfect smile.

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