
Android: how to save battery on a mobile phone?

Are you troubled by the question of how to save battery? Do you own an Android smartphone? Although most people point the finger at the smartphone for a (too) quickly drained battery, in large cases it is only a scapegoat. The key is the use of a mobile phone, where operating systems play a big role. Android proved to be particularly greedy, sometimes straining the battery unnecessarily. But there are solutions for Android that keep the smartphone at high speeds and at the same time do not keep the battery in the anaerobic zone all the time.

Although he is one Business Day reality, but it can be from yours Android you rightfully expect more. There are quite a few settings with the help of which the battery will last longer stoves with powers. The vast majority of e.g. it doesn't know that the majority of applications are preset to refresh automatically (the processor wakes up periodically). Then there's the ever-debilitating big one screen and "charged" processor.

READ MORE: How to properly care for your smartphone battery

With a few settings for Android, which do not narrow the width of the smartphone, battery autonomy is concretely possible to extend. We do not promise miracles, but we will provide you with some additional hours of use with our advice.

Android: Smartphone battery usage overview

Check what eats up your battery the most?
Check what eats up your battery the most?

Take your smartphone and go to the reconnaissance pod on Android settings> about phone> battery usage and see how much battery is being consumed by individual programs, tasks, and applications. But also stop under settings>apps> Running Services, where you will see which programs are running in the background (you don't use these directly). Some are grinding even when you thought you had stopped them. Here you can finally remove them from the "sink".

Android: Switch to 2G on your smartphone

3G network is much more wasteful than 2G.
3G network is much more wasteful than 2G.

Most Androids regularly switch between networks GSM and 3G. But there is no need for this if there is clearly no torrent of data flowing through your smartphone, if you do not make video calls and do not impose the role of a modem on it. If you give up 3G, the battery consumption will actually drop. Go under settings > wireless networks > mobile network and turn on GSM only. This will allow you to still have access to wifi.

Android: Turn off wifi, Bluetooth and GPS

Wireless connections do not need to be active all the time.
Wireless connections do not need to be active all the time.

Those wireless connections on the operating system Android we definitely don't use it constantly and because they are real energy guzzlers, it makes sense to include them only when we really need them. Wifi e.g. drains the battery of even the phone not connected to the network, as it is in a constant hunt for it. This is much more exhausting for her than if she searches only "on command".

Android: Adjust screen brightness on your smartphone

Reduce the brightness of the screen just enough so that it does not harm the eyes. These are more important than battery life.
Reduce the brightness of the screen just enough so that it does not harm the eyes. These are more important than battery life.

On the Android operating system, most models have background lighting preset to very bright to prove that it can deal with strong sunlight. But the more the background is lit, the more energy wasteful is the screen (at the top among the battery drainers). You can customize the case according to your needs under settings> sound and display> lighting, where you can also choose an option automatic adjustment, the saving effect of which can be doubled by switching on economical use. You will still have a "centl" more battery left if screen off set to a shorter time.

Android: Widgets and vibrate

Power Control Widget - a great gadget that the battery will be grateful for.
Power Control Widget - a great gadget that the battery will be grateful for.

A few main ones culprits for the shorter autonomy of the smart the phone also has some of the most useful features. And since turning Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS on and off and adjusting the backlight can be time-consuming, we suggest you install widget (e.g. Power Control Widget) and create a widget for them on your desktop handy shortcuts. You can also turn it off vibrating, who is considered a quiet but concrete consumer.

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