
Animal Selfies - These animals can take selfies better than you!

Animal selfies

In the age of selfies, not even animals could escape this cultural phenomenon. In the gallery, check out the cute animals who have perfected the art of posing and take selfies even better than you!

Not just humans, either animals she captured selfie mania. It's one of the hottest trends right now, and you're probably all wondering how animals learned take a selfie.

READ MORE: These are the most unphotogenic animals you will ever see!

The famous monkey who got out the camera and took a bunch of selfies.
The famous monkey who got out the camera and took a bunch of selfies.

It is not difficult to get the animal to touch the touch screen for more exotic animals but people set up a camera in nature, which detect movement and captures a photo when the animal touches the device or approaches her. Witness that animal selfies are a serious matter event from 2014, when a dispute broke out between Wikimedia and photographers David Slater, with whose camera is Indonesian macaque monkey took self-portraits. The owner of the camera claimed they were Copyright his, and Wikimedia believed that this was not the case. And what was the epilogue of the monkey selfie affair? No one is entitled to copyright. You are all entitled to enjoy viewing the photo gallery below.

Gallery - animal selfies:

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