
Animateka 2012

As we are already used to, the program of the main animated film festival is very varied every year, with a special focus on Central and Eastern European productions. The ninth version is no exception. Along with the competition programs of short animated films, there will also be animated feature films, a retrospective Animation and Literature and...

Important information
Kino Dvor, Slovenska Kinoteka and Kino Udarnik, Kolodvorska, Miklošičeva and Grajski trg, Ljubljana and Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee

As we are already used to, the program of the main animated film festival is very varied every year, with a special focus on Central and Eastern European productions. The ninth version is no exception. In addition to the competition programs of short animated films, animated feature films, the retrospective Animation and Literature and Focus on Brazilian and Spanish animation will be presented. Families, children and teenagers will enjoy the Elephant program, and the accompanying events will also be interesting.

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