Animateka - the international animated film festival has been showing short animated films from Eastern and Central Europe since 2004. This year, 669 films arrived at their address, among which 35 were Slovenian. Artists from 63 countries sent their films, and an expert committee chose the best ones, which you can watch between December 3rd and 9th. The selection is diverse, so you can expect a quality program in which you can also find something for yourself.
The first stage of preparation for International Animated Film Festival 2018 is behind us, because on October 5, the expert jury made a selection of three competitive programs, namely Eastern and Central European competition program, competition program Elephant and competition program Young Talents of Europe.
There will be among the registered films 120 competed for inclusion in the Eastern and Central European competition program, 281 for the Young Talents of Europe competition program, intended for children The elephant's competition program is 268.
Animations come from 63 countries. He is from Slovenia 35 applications were received this year, especially from students Academies of fine arts and design University of Ljubljana.
The organizers announce that it will be on display this year as well a diverse and high-quality program that represents a contact point for an international meeting and exchange of experiences authors, students, selectors, journalists and the audience.
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