
Anna's star

Ana Lukner's charity campaign is probably already known to many of us, because Ana herself and all the benefactors helped a large number of people by collecting food. Since December is not only a time to celebrate, but also to think of others, Ana once again collects food every weekday at the Čebelica business facility. She herself says that...

Important information
Business and residential center Čebelica, Dunajska 185, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Ana Lukner's charity campaign is probably already known to many of us, because Ana herself and all the benefactors helped a large number of people by collecting food. Since December is not only a time to celebrate, but also to think of others, Ana once again collects food every weekday at the Čebelica business facility. She herself says that charity makes her happy, there is no reason not to believe her.

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