
Colordot application: "grab color" with the camera

Colordot Mobile App

When a person is hungry, we grab a Snickers, when we want the exact shade of color we saw in the surroundings, we grab our smartphone, activate the Colordot mobile application, which will use the camera to recognize the color in question.

Mobile application Colordot, affectionately called just ''color picker”, allows you to get a digital version of the chosen one with the help of the smartphone camera colors from the environment. Applications are available to users of the iOS operating system and will be especially useful for digital artists and graphic designers, who will be able to recreate the reality of colors without lifting a finger. Well, one splash on the screen, but that's it!

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To color from the environment with one touch.
To color from the environment with one touch.

The Colordot app also lets you create your color chart, tone or and determine the shade of color by sliding your finger left or right on the screen. There is an application payable.

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