
Apple news: iPad Air, iPad Mini Retina and MacBook Retina

ipad mini retina

Today, Apple hosted a conference where new products were presented to the gathered journalists: iPad Air, iPad Mini with Retina, MacBook and MacBook with Retina display.

Apple's today's news evening happened only a month after that v Cupertino, where the team with Tim Cook presented at the head the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. Today was the main topic of the event iPad Air.

iPad Air
iPad Air

iPad Air

This is no ordinary next generation sequel iPad, which is already the fifth in a row. The new iPad Air it is lighter, thinner and most importantly, stronger and faster. That's exactly why he received the label Air, known from the Apple notebook series. It boasts a powerful Retina display resolution 2048 x 1536 pixels. It will also be familiar to you from previous generations FaceTime front camera and a 5-megapixel camera. Underneath the aluminum design is the new 64-bit A7 processor, which we first saw last month at the launch of the new iPhone 5S. The iPad will be available in four variants based on storage: 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB. When it comes to color, you will choose between white/silver and grey/black combinations. It will be in the US iPad Air price ranged from US$500 onwards. All this, in just over a week.

iPad Mini with Retina display
iPad Mini with Retina display

iPad Mini with Retina display

iPad Mini with a 7.9-inch screen, it received an update in the form of the most sophisticated Retina display. But a sharp image requires power, which is why they have acquired a powerful 64-bit A7 processor. For iPad Mini with Retina display will need to scratch at least US$400.

MacBook and MacBook with Retina display
MacBook and MacBook with Retina display

MacBook and MacBook with Retina display

Magnificent laptops have been given a new lease of life. This is measured in a new Intel processor, a longer battery life (between 8 and 9 hours) and a better graphics drive. They will cost between 1300 and 2000 US dollars.

Mac Pro

Apple announced the arrival of a new computer Mac Pro, which will make its debut in December. For a four-core 3.7 GHz Xeon processor, 128 Gb of RAM and a 256 GB SSD, the price will rise to 3,000 US dollars.

OS X Mavericks
OS X Mavericks

OS X Mavericks

One of the high-profile news items this evening is the new operating system OS X Mavericks, which is free with the new version. They also upgraded the applications and made them run faster.

Photo gallery of all novelties:

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More information at:

More about iPad Air:

More about iPad Mini with Retina Display:

More about MacBook with Retina display:

More about Mac Pro:

More about OS X Mavericks:

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