
The Architecture of Radio application: a glimpse into another dimension

Architecture of Radio application

We all know that many electromagnetic signals surround us at an invisible level, but since we cannot see them, we often forget about their existence. But the application for the iPad tablet, Architecture of Radio, offers an insight into another dimension, as it reveals to us what is happening around us at the level of electromagnetic radiation or signal waves. Insight into another dimension is fascinating on the one hand, and a bit creepy on the other.

Devices with wireless connection, such as smartphones and tablets, are used by practically everyone today. Various theories have been circulating for quite some time about whether their use is harmful to our health, research however, they are very contradictory and still without a definite answer.

The Architecture of Radio application opens up the world to another dimension.
The Architecture of Radio application opens up the world to another dimension.

Dutch designer Richard Wijgen he therefore approached the topic of radiation from the other end. Because it's about invisible phenomenon, developed the app Architecture of Radio, which is based on simulation (based on physical, mathematical and other findings) in real time shows radiation sources and ripples in space, where we are (uses GPS to locate the user).

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If you would like to peek into the parallel world, into the infosphere, you will have to pay 2.70 euros.

We are never truly alone.
We are never truly alone.

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