
Who Deleted Me on Facebook app or who removed you as a friend

Are you curious about who doesn't want to be your friend anymore on Facebook? There is a new-old app called Who Deleted Me on Facebook that reveals who deleted you from their friends list on Facebook. It is a gesture that hurts many people, so use it with caution, because it can happen that you will realize that Tanja is not as good a friend as you thought. And how does it work? The application creates a list of current friends, keeps track of it and notifies you if someone removes you.

Application Who Deleted Me on Facebook reveals who you are on Facebook removed from friends list. Something that is definitely considered rude in today's status-dependent society. Unless, of course, the person has a good reason for it. But who wouldn't want to be your friend?! Apparently many people, otherwise this kind of application would not have been created. But with her digitally deleting friends will no longer be able to proceed quietly and without your knowledge. Unfortunately, the application does not find out who removed you from the friend list in the past, but only from the time you downloaded the application.

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Find out who unfriends you on Facebook.
Find out who unfriends you on Facebook.

Who Deleted Me on Facebook app is available for users iOS and Android devices, and as a supplement for browser Chrome. You will be notified of the deletion via the system updated information (feed) and thus instantly get a reason to work all day. If the name of the app sounds familiar, your memory is serving you well. Namely, the application made rounds for the first time already in 2009, but Facebook disabled the function at the time. And what will prevent the same fate from awaiting her this time as well? Additional features, including relying on your own friends list instead of using Facebook's API (API). And that. What we don't know doesn't hurt, so think twice before downloading the Who Deleted Me on Facebook app to your device. And don't say we didn't warn you.

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