
Applications closed: The mission to Mars begins

A Dutch company is offering the chance to make history as the first human to set foot on another planet – in this case, Mars.

More than 200,000 people have signed up since the "Mars One" project was presented to the public in April this year. It is no longer possible to apply, and by the end of the year those who will be admitted to the second round of selection will be notified. The four "lucky ones" who will be the first to inhabit the red planet will never return.

Project management on Tuesday unveiled the first mission of 2018, which will not include a human crew for the time being. They will send robots and communication satellites, which will be developed by the leading company in the field of construction of small satellites - Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

The first task will be to demonstrate the technology that will enable habitation on Mars. If the mission is successful - and as they say, the emphasis is on "if" - the first pioneers will be able to land on Mars in 2025.
As already mentioned, a huge number of people have signed up who don't mind spending the rest of their lives on Mars. The director of the "Mars One" project, Bas Lansdrop, says that there is no technology that would ensure the return or launching a rocket as possible on Earth. Which also drastically reduces the cost of the mission itself. The total projected budget for the "Mars One" mission is $6 billion. Lansdrop does not want to reveal how much money was obtained from sponsors and partners, but says that so far the amount of donations is more than 200 thousand dollars. A large part of the cost is said to be contributed by the concept of a reality television show, which will show "the most unique video in our solar system".

Will four astronauts survive the long journey in a cramped capsule to a desolate planet? Will they be able to accept it as their new home? As Bas Lansdrop says: "You can't go to Mars with some enthusiasm". Only time will tell if the future candidates are even ready for such an undertaking.

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