
Appreciate what you have: 40 GOLDEN rules by which a strong woman should live

These are the golden rules every strong woman should live by!

Treat yourself as you would your best friend: with compassion, encouragement, and kindness.

It's better to have a plan you don't need than to need a plan and not have one.

You can't choose what happens to you, but you can choose your response to the situation.

Take that extra second to think about what you're going to say. Your statement will resonate when you say it.

Be kind to people, because you never know what difficult times they are going through.

Don't argue with an angry person. Their anger may be directed at you, but they are actually angry at themselves.

You are responsible for your own satisfaction and happiness.

The greatness of a man's character is best shown in the way he reacts to situations he does not like.

Never assume that people see the world the way they know. Everyone has their own lens.

Time spent wishing is time wasted.

Love as much as you can, even if they don't love you back.

Tomorrow's ME must be better than today's ME.

If someone has done something to hurt you, you need to work it out with them, talk to them, and not run away.

Doing is more important than talking. Do what you say, back up your words with actions.

Sorry, but don't forget.

The job isn't done until the tool is put away.

Freedom begins when you realize how few people actually care about what you do.

People benefit more from compassion than malice.

Appreciate what you have. Every moment. Every family member. Every friend. Every meal of food. No one knows when any of this will be lost.

Don't worry about something for 5 minutes because it won't matter in 5 years.

Appreciate what you have. Every moment. Every family member. Every friend. Every meal of food. No one knows when any of this will be lost.
Appreciate what you have. Every moment. Every family member. Every friend. Every meal of food. No one knows when any of this will be lost.

Always tell the truth. That way you never have to think about what you said.

Good behavior costs you nothing.

Don't trust anyone 100% but yourself.

You will regret everything you choose or do to some degree, so do everything in your power to minimize those regrets.

Comfort leads to stagnation.

If you have the tools to fix something, fix it.

There is no such thing as a bad day. There can be bad moments in the day, but don't let those few bad moments ruin the good in the day.

The greatest thing is not to never fall, but to get back up every time.

If your dog doesn't trust someone, don't trust them either.

Live in the present, not the past or the future.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

You can still enjoy things even though things aren't going your way.

Don't hurt people. Not physically. Not emotionally. Not financially.

You don't care what others think of you.

Everything that is lost can be found, except for lost time.

You know you are not responsible for someone else's happiness.

Balance. Your account, family, work. Find balance in everything.

Always strive for something, something bigger.

It's okay if you don't feel good right now, because it won't last forever.

Every man has his madness. But the greatest madness is if you don't have this madness.

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