
Are you a smart or a wise woman: the difference is small, but decisive!

Many women are convinced that their intelligence is their main asset. However, the obsession with proving and the need to always be right can be one of the biggest stupid things a woman can do.

It was probably every one a woman, which is already experienced several things in life, once upon a time the smartest ‒ she enjoyed that partner, parents, friends, colleagues, children constantly reminds that they are not right. Ego she is grew, but it didn't happen realized, to be hers brainstorming brought more damages like good.

That's the behavior led many women to get divorced, fight with friends, parents or colleagues and end up alone. It's barely then found out, that it is due to nonsense destroyed a lot relationships. And that's when she realized it wasn't it's smart to just be smart, rather it is better be wise.

What is the difference between a smart woman and a wise woman?
What is the difference between a smart woman and a wise woman?

Be smart, but it's better to be wise! We prepared something situations, which show what is the difference between a smart woman and a wise woman.

1. If the partner made a mistake

SMART WOMAN: When she discovers that her partner has made a mistake, she gets angry and mentions that she has already warned him about things.
A BLUE WOMAN: She encourages her husband and pretends she didn't notice what he did.

2. In a crisis situation

SMART WOMAN: In a crisis situation, a smart woman takes the reins into her own hands and teaches those around her how to live properly.
A BLUE WOMAN: Subtly shows people which way is wiser to walk.

A wise woman will bring love and warmth to the team.
A wise woman will bring love and warmth to the team.

3. Opinion about happiness

SMART WOMAN: He thinks that only the person who is right is happy.
A WISE PERSON: He knows that he has the right person who is happy.

4. Work environment

SMART WOMAN: She will try to be better than others and will not make mistakes. She will not establish a relationship with most colleagues, but will be very attentive.
A BLUE WOMAN: She will bring love and warmth to the team.

A wise woman knows that she has the right person who is happy.
A wise woman knows that she has the right person who is happy.

5. When he shares advice

SMART WOMAN: She will always interfere in other people's lives and believe that the way she lives is the only correct way.
A BLUE WOMAN: She will support people and encourage them to do things that will give them life experience.

​6. When he wants to change the world.

SMART WOMAN: He wants to change the world, people and everything around him.
A BLUE WOMAN: She will start changing herself and will accept others as they are.

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