
Do you always get tired of the same "small talk"? Surprise with these themes…

Photo: envato

'Small talk' is anything but easy, especially if you don't have the will and desire to make an impression on the interlocutor.

During holidays and parties, there are many opportunities for 'small talk'. Acquaintances you haven't seen in a long time, neighbors you meet by chance, or strangers you connect with at a party. While 'small talk' serves its purpose in breaking the ice, it can become monotonous and prevent us from making deeper connections. If you're tired of the same old conversations, it's time to shake things up. Here are four refreshing topics you can use the next time you have a chance.

1. What is your passion?

Instead of the usual question "What do you do?" consider asking the interviewee about what they are passionate about. Whether it's a hobby, a side project, or something that's really close to their heart, talking about what a person likes to do outside of work can reveal a lot about their interests and values. This topic not only provides a more authentic understanding of someone's personality, but also opens the door to exciting and passionate conversations.

Photo: Unsplash/Chris Murray

2. Travel stories

Generic "Have you been on vacation lately?" rather, replace it with a question about the most memorable travel experience. Travel often brings the best stories and unexpected adventures that can lead to interesting topics in conversations or debates. Sharing travel stories not only reveals personal experiences, but also provides an opportunity to share recommendations and discover common interests.

3. Book, movie or podcast recommendations

Replace the classic question "What have you been doing?" by discussing the latest book, movie or podcast that caught your attention. Choosing entertainment content can offer insight into your preferences, views, and even your sense of humor. By sharing recommendations, you not only learn more about the other person's taste, but also create an opportunity for future discussions. And even get some good recommendations for the future.

Photo: Unsplash/Toa Heftiba

4. Wishes for the future

Instead of focusing on the present, inquire about someone's future goals and aspirations. Whether it's related to career plans or personal development, discussing future ambitions can be extremely inspiring. This topic encourages forward-looking thinking and allows for more meaningful conversations about the dreams, challenges, and steps individuals take to achieve their goals.

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