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Are you blind to the truth? 10 signs that your relationship is falling apart - but you don't even notice it

Is your relationship healthy? Are you perhaps not seeing problems that others can clearly see? Sometimes our emotions blind us to not recognizing the warning signs that indicate problems in a relationship

Love relationships often involve a mixture emotions, which may affect our judgement. As a result, we may miss the obvious signs of trouble while others around us see them clearly. When you're in love, emotional blindness can prevent you from seeing what's in front of you.

The following are signs to recognize, even though they may already be obvious to those close to you.

1. Unequal investment in the relationship

Love must be based on balance, where both partners contribute their part. If you notice that you are often the one giving things up or adjusting schedules while your partner's world revolves only around his needs, this is a sign of serious imbalances in your relationship. In the long run, such a dynamic can lead to emotional exhaustion and inner anger.

2. Making excuses often

Disagreements happen in any relationship, but if you're mostly the one apologizing, even when you've done nothing wrong, that's a cause for concern. Constantly apologizing for problems you didn't cause can indicate a stronger role for your partner and your subordinate role in the relationship. This can have a huge impact on your self-esteem in the long run.

Feel like you can't breathe? Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

3. Disregarding the opinions of loved ones

Your friends and family often have a clearer view of your relationship than you do because they are not emotionally involved. If those close to you express concern about your partner, this is a sign that yes their opinions should not be ignored. Ignoring or defending your partner at all costs may indicate your unwillingness to face potential problems in the relationship.

4. Making excuses for your partner's bad behavior

If you often find yourself justifying your partner's inappropriate behavior with excuses like "he/she had a bad day," it means that you are justifying something you shouldn't. These types of excuses can be a sign that you are too lenient with bad behavior patterns. It is important to recognize when a particular behavior becomes a pattern that needs to be addressed.

5. Suppression of one's own emotions

Feeling inside that something is wrong but avoiding dealing with those feelings can have serious emotional consequences in the long run. Fear of change or the end of a relationship can lead you to say yes you push your emotions away into the background, which in the end can lead to even greater internal pain.

6. Idealizing a partner

Seeing your partner in the best light is natural, but exaggerating their qualities and overlooking their faults is not healthy. Such idealization leads to unrealistic expectations that no one can fulfill. It is important to realize that nobody is perfect and that accepting your partner's faults is key to a successful relationship.

Recognize the entrapment and breathe. Photo: Ionelceban / Pexels

7. Too rapid development of the relationship

If you make big decisions, such as living together or getting married, without thinking and after a short time of acquaintance, this can be a sign of problems. Rapid relationship development is often a way to avoid serious conversations or hide potential problems. It is important to take the time to think and really get to know your partner before making major life decisions.

8. Avoiding conflicts

A healthy relationship requires open and honest communication, even when there are disagreements. Avoiding conflict instead of talking about it can lead to an accumulation of unresolved issues. This can have a negative effect on your relationship in the long run because avoiding difficult conversations it doesn't solve the problems you need to address.

9. Distance

If you notice that you and your partner are spending less and less quality time together or that you prefer to be alone than in their company, this could be a sign of drifting apart. If it decreases in your relationship quality of time together, this may indicate deeper problems that you are not yet ready to admit.

10. Ignoring your own dissatisfaction

If you're telling yourself you're happy, even though you feel like something isn't right inside, it's time to have an honest conversation with yourself. Although not every moment in a relationship is ideal, chronic dissatisfaction is a sign that something is wrong. It is important to acknowledge your feelings and consider whether you can find happiness in this relationship or perhaps elsewhere.

Although these signs may be difficult to recognize, it is important to be aware of them and not ignore them. Dealing with relationship issues can help you improve your relationship or make the decision to seek happiness elsewhere.

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