The theory of the influence of birth order - whether it is a firstborn, a "sandwich" child or the youngest - begins with the psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, who advocated the idea that the order of birth affects your personality. And what kind of person are you?
He had already developed a theory about the influence of birth order Alfred Adler, one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis – according to his theory, it is the oldest child probably the most conservative, has the desire for power and interferes with management positions. Since the oldest children in the family often have to help with various tasks, they are also more careful and much more self-initiated. Reborn and the children are ambitious, a rarely selfish. They often pledge themselves slightly too high goals.
The youngest children according to Adler's conclusions, they receive the most attention and must fight more for their independence. Likewise, the youngest must contend with the standards of success set before them by their older siblings. If they manage to overcome this effort, they are the youngest children often very successful in their careers. But what does Adler's theory say? about singletons and singletons? Adler says that many times these children are more dependent on others, but also more self-centered. They are also at greater risk of succumbing perfectionism.
What they say about differences between siblings modern research? This study she showed that they are firstborns probably more sincere and more dominant, but they also succumb to stress more quickly and are somewhat less sociable. Research has also shown the existence of a connection between intelligence and type of birth: the oldest are said to have a higher average score on intelligence tests. However, these links are very weak.
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