
Ark Nova – the world's first inflatable concert hall

Ark Nova - inflatable concert hall

On the Internet, we can find different ideas of what a hall looks like. Some people compare it to a big plum, others to a balloon. One thing is clear - it looks unique!

Ark Nova is a structure that spans 30 to 35 meters. Its authors are British sculptors Anish Kapoor and a Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. They chose a city to realize their project Matsushima, which lies in an area devastated by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. As Ark Nova is a mobile hall, it is able to travel around devastated places and thus unite people with the culture of music that touches them. The roof and walls of the hall are made of purple polyester, the interior accommodates about 500 visitors. The organizers plan to hold music concerts and games inside traditional Japanese theater.

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