

The exhibition arose, like many artistic acts, from a critical attitude. Curator Lenka Kukurova, together with the art group Kassaboys, prepared and created a series of uniforms and military ranks. These move away from the military world, as they are intended for artists and show their...

Important information
Vetrinjska dvor, Vetrinjska 30, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

The exhibition arose, like many artistic acts, from a critical attitude. Curator Lenka Kukurova, together with the art group Kassaboys, prepared and created a series of uniforms and military ranks. These move away from the military world, as they are intended for artists and show their position in art. With them, artists, either humorously or seriously, find it easier to navigate the complex scene, and we, the consumers, will no longer be confused as to who is better. Despite the humorous-critical note, the exhibition represents an aesthetic experience.

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