

The interesting name hides the 19th handicraft exhibition with an international character. At the exhibition, products from the rich treasury of Slovenian handicrafts are compared to products by craftsmen from some countries of the European Union. Creative achievements made of wood, stone, clay, wood, straw, glass, iron, paper, natural...

Important information
Carinthian Gallery of Fine Arts, Glavni trg 24, Slovenj Gradec
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Behind the interesting name is the 19th handicraft exhibition with an international character. Products from the rich Slovenian handicraft treasury are presented at the exhibition alongside products from craftsmen from some European Union countries. Creative achievements made of wood, stone, clay, wicker, straw, glass, iron, paper, natural fabrics, etc. will be displayed. As part of the project, we will also be able to admire the products of Carinthian craftsmen in the shop windows of bars in the city center.

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