
Artish in Kamnik

It will start already in the morning hours, when the city center will be flooded with the festive atmosphere of the fair. After the address of the mayor of the city, we can walk among the stands of ARTish creators who will present their artistic products. It will be festive until the evening, when at 19:00 the music will open the evening...

Important information
Main square, Kamnik
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

It will start already in the morning hours, when the city center will be flooded with the festive atmosphere of the fair. After the address of the mayor of the city, we can walk among the stands of ARTish creators who will present their artistic products. It will be festive until the evening, when at 19:00 the evening will be opened by the music of four young jazz musicians trained abroad: DJ and Artbeaters. Boris Kopitar will also visit Kamnik this weekend, December 9, at 4 p.m.

Zelvica Bara

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