
The artist turned concrete ruins in the desert into bulky luxury handbags

Thrashbird's Valley of Secret Values.

The windows of prestigious stores, full of luxury handbags, mislead many women to spend their last cent on a new, sinfully expensive 'friend in the arm'. If at the moment this 'friendship' is not accessible to your pocket, you can observe luxury not only in the shop window, but also on large concrete ruins.

Years 2014 is a street artist Thrashbird fixed on painting expedition trip to Oregon, where he sought the unlimited opportunities for creative creation. While searching for a place to express himself, he found abandoned, demolished concrete buildings, which became the place for the realization of his project'Thrashbird's Valley of Secret Values‘.

In a place that most people would only see decay, pollution or waste, Thrashbird saw 'beauty in brokenness' and began to think about creating giant handbags on concrete.

'Thrashbird's Valley of Secret Values' reflects modern society, which z the property wants to show its success, and at the same time wants to point out that people completely neglect other people and the planet with careless consumption. In addition, we understand consumption as measure of success, because it enabled us to transition into society, where things and social status became more important than the connection between people.

Thrashbird's Valley of Secret Values.
Thrashbird's Valley of Secret Values.

This project is also self-reflexive, because Thrashbird with it he illustrates his personal struggle between 'ego' and 'grandiosity', which represents the scope of the project.

Image Gallery - 'Thrashbird's Valley of Secret Values'

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