
The Aston Martin DB9 GT Bond Edition celebrates 50 years of love between James Bond and Aston Martin

Aston Martin DB9 GT Bond Edition

British car brand Aston Martin and Her Majesty's Agent James Bond have a long history. Secret agent 007's love for this brand is not secret, but widely known, and it has been going on for 50 long years. This anniversary also coincides with the release of the 24th Bondiad, so the British will accompany the film Specter with the release of a special version of the DB9 GT model, the Aston Martin DB9 GT Bond Edition.

Aston Martin DB9 GT Bond Edition will be available in only 150 copies, and from the standard DB9 GT model, the special edition will differ by silver "Spectre" color, external and internal 007 Bond Edition tags, silver trim, 20-inch wheels and some other goodies. Don't count on extras Q of the department, but the equipment installed by the engineers of this British brand of prestigious cars will also impress. His cold heart represents 6.0-liter V12 engine with almost 540 horsepower (402 kW) and with 620 Nm of maximum torque at 5500 revolutions per minute, which will transmit power to the wheels via 6-speed Touctronic II gearbox.

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Feel like James Bond in this special edition Aston Martin DB9 GT.
Feel like James Bond in this special edition Aston Martin DB9 GT.

As befits the Aston Martin DB9 GT Bond Edition the most powerful DB9 GT until now, and from 0 to 100 km/h it will be launched fast almost like a bullet and otherwise in 4.5 seconds, while the final velocity is 295 km/h. For even more of a Bond touch, you also get the car with you Omega Seamaster James Bond wristwatch with Aston Martin strap and color matching Globe-Trotter Suitcase. You will be able to take the beauty home for a while 211 thousand euros.

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