
Astrologers have judged: this astrological sign has the best chance of ruining a relationship!

Know your weaknesses, prevent pain and improve your relationships.

Astrologers believe that this particular sign is most likely to sabotage their relationship. According to astrologers, who is the least prone to this and who is the most?

12. Pisces

A fish is most likely not going to destroy the relationship. They are compassionate and sensitive and know how to connect with others and form strong connections with their partner. They know how to take charge in a relationship and when to stand up for themselves and when to put their partner first. They just have to be careful not to forget themselves in the relationship and become too subservient to their partner.

11. Sagittarius

They have a positive, optimistic and open outlook on life. They know exactly what they want and how to appreciate all aspects of being in love. They are not afraid to be honest about their feelings and open up. The problem comes when they become blindly optimistic; then they can choose someone who might hurt them or take them for granted.

10. Aquarius

Their relationship suffers because they do nothing to improve it. They tend to remain aloof, especially when they fall in love. They are self-willed and stubborn. They always go their own way and don't like their partner telling them what is right and what is wrong. They don't realize that they should just tell their partner that they want them and that they want to be with them, but that sometimes they just need time to themselves.

Aquarius's relationship suffers because he doesn't do anything to improve it.
Aquarius's relationship suffers because he does nothing to improve it.

9. Capricorn

When it comes to relationships and falling in love, Capricorns are persistent, confident and relaxed. They know exactly what they want and don't waste their time on people who only care about games. The only problem is that they are somewhat reserved and pessimistic, and this is due to self-preservation and fear of pain. But when they find the right one, they let go, forget their pride and simply enjoy themselves.

8. Libra

Libras have a hard time deciding, but when they do, they stick to one path and get used to a routine. They are constantly deciding what to do and do not want to see the true image of their partner. They want to believe that all people are good, but unfortunately the truth is different and they often turn a blind eye to it.

7. Aries

Aries in love is hard to miss. He really loves being in love. But as the initial infatuation fades and the relationship begins to turn into a more settled habit, they become different people. They expect their partner to always live by their rules. It is difficult for them to tolerate their partner's mistakes, while they cannot tolerate criticism of themselves.

Aries can hardly tolerate their partner's mistakes, while they cannot tolerate criticism on their own account.
Aries can hardly tolerate their partner's mistakes, while they cannot tolerate criticism on their own account.

6. Virgo

When it comes to love, Virgos always do their own thing. They are looking for the perfect partner and overthinking it. They can't relax and let go of being in love. Instead, they want to be one step ahead of everyone and protect themselves from pain. They constantly think about whether this partner is perfect, whether this relationship will be right or not.

5. Cancer

Cancer is sensitive. The problem arises because they don't know how to let things go. They don't tell anyone what's bothering them, and with that, problems and resentments pile up. During an argument, their defensive instinct comes to the fore, as they look for faults everywhere, even in the past. When they feel hurt, they often do not know how to choose their words and can be very resentful. They don't want to talk and forgive.

4. Leo

Leos are in heaven at the beginning, they are excited and giddy with love, but at the same time they are thoughtful and reliable. The problem arises when their stubborn and egotistical side emerges. They don't want to apologize, they want to always be right and they want to be your and their priority.

The problem arises when Leo's stubborn and egotistical side emerges.
The problem arises when Leo's stubborn and egotistical side emerges.

3. Twins

Geminis can adjust to anything except their love life. Inside, they struggle with anxiety, loneliness, isolation. Their problem in relationships is not that they are afraid to meet people, as they are very sociable. The problem is that they can't open up and admit their vulnerability, which makes them have trouble making decisions. They often stay put, because they are too afraid that they will "drive away" their partner with the wrong move.

2. Taurus

Taurus are the warmest people on the planet. But they have a lot of problems with wanting to control everything. They bring patience and warmth to the relationship. They have a very intense need for security and constant reassurance, which often turns into jealousy, possessiveness and stubbornness. Sometimes they simply raise their hands from their partner and pretend that they have nothing to do with the problems that have arisen.

1. Scorpio

Of all the signs, Scorpios destroy their partner relationships the most. Although they have many great qualities - they have passion, they have a magnetic attraction - but when it comes to love, they dig themselves a hole from which they cannot get out. This is largely due to issues with mistrust, jealousy and obsession. They have a hard time letting things go, hold on to resentments and impose problems on themselves instead of talking about them with their partner.

Scorpios destroy their partner relationships the most out of all the signs.
Of all the signs, Scorpios destroy their partner relationships the most.

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