
Astrological Signs Who Have No Problem With Loyalty!

Did the stars favor your loyalty, or are you subject to cheating because of them?! This is what astrologers reveal to us!

The characteristics of different astrological signs indicate the "astrological" character that your sign has. This also makes some signs more prone to cheating. Still others love stability in their relationship. Check what the "horoscope" thinks about your astrological sign!

These are the 5 astrological signs most prone to loyalty!

Leo 7/10

Leos appreciate and love themselves. This can quickly throw others off track, but there's really no reason to get upset over little things like this. A woman born under the sign of Leo demands only the best in one person. But if it turns out that her husband has failed, she will not hold out for long, but will immediately start looking for a new lover.

Cancer 7/10

People born under the sign of Cancer do not change, nor do they like changes around them. If her husband cheats on her, she will not ask for a divorce, but will try to save the marriage. She herself will betray or cheat on her husband only out of extreme desperation or a great need for revenge. She will choose her second partner long and carefully.

Crayfish are also loyal.
Crayfish are also loyal.

Aquarius 8/10

Aquarius will often flirt with others, but will never cheat. Aquarians love fun, socializing, and will always welcome this with open arms. After an argument with her husband, she will be happy to go to a party with such a company, just to forget about all the bad things. If so, then she will cheat on her husband only in extremes.

Taurus 10/10

Taurus is made of pure principle. Women of this sign will never betray their spouse. Also, their husband will never think that he is cheating on them because he knows she will NEVER forgive him!

Taurus will not forgive your infidelity!
Taurus will not forgive your infidelity!

Virgo 10/10

Like women born under the sign of Taurus, women born under the sign of Virgo would never cheat on their husbands, but because of emotions and not reason. The loyalty of these women is based on the fact that they love their husband from the bottom of their soul and do not see other men at all. Spouses understand this and therefore, if possible, do not cheat on her.

Why do even those who are basically happy in a relationship cheat?

Most of the time, those who have may really be cheating attachment issues or some unresolved childhood trauma. They both use cheating as a way to lessen the pain. In some relationships, there is reason to cheat lack of intimacy or emotional closeness, and so the person is looking for someone to fill the void, at least for one night. But it also happens that a person who loves his partner also cheats. Why might people who are happy in their relationship with their partner cheat and thus risk your relationship or marriage?

Why would someone who is basically happy in a relationship cheat?
Why would someone who is basically happy in a relationship cheat?

The search for a new sensation is one of the strongest reasons for cheating. Some people who cheat like to explore hidden parts of themselves. They want to explore the world to feel young and carefree again.

Sometimes people who are happy in their relationships feel like teenagers when they hide things and cheat. They love breaking the rules and get excited when something is "forbidden".

Sometimes people who cheat dream about missed opportunities. They feel that they cannot fully enjoy life, so they may choose forbidden sex in order to understand what it would be like if they could choose otherwise.

People who cheat when in love may experience a lack of emotion. Therefore, they cheat so that they can release their hidden emotions and thus explore the world.

Regardless of the reasons why a partner cheats, it's hard to get over it and there is no excuse for cheating. That's why it's still important to have a conversation that can save many hearts from unnecessary pain.

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