
Astrological signs with the highest measured intelligence - IQ

Could your astrological sign define your intelligence? Do certain astrological signs tend to be more intelligent than others? Check if your astrological sign is among those with the right potential.

Regardless of whether it is authoritative a ram or caring cancer, everyone has zodiac sign its most attractive features. Astrological sign it can predict many life tendencies, from your romantic compatibility with other signs to your general well-being. But when it comes to intelligence, which sign has the most potential according to the stars?

Aquarius and scorpion they are the smartest astrological signs, say the astrologers, but for two very different reasons. Those born under the sign Aquarius, have the highest level of analytical intelligence as measured by cognitive ability and IQ. Scorpios have on the other hand, more practical qualities - they are at their best when they really evaluate and understand the world in general.


According to the horoscope, the singer Lorde is also a Scorpio.

Each sign is intelligent in its own way. What is your intelligence?

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are known for their intuitive intelligence. These are signs that see opportunities and take advantage of them.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) they are known for their practical intelligence, everything from managing accounts to solving problems in the workplace.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) they have an idealistic, analytical intelligence. These signs live in the world of ideas and love to socialize.
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) they are known for their excellent perception or perceptive intelligence. These are signs that understand your motivations and your emotions.

Neil Crabtree, an astrologer from the school of astrology Mayo he explained that they are signs cancer and fish among the most emotionally intelligent: in other words, they excel at recognizing and managing their own feelings and those of others. Steve Jobs, who was born on February 24, i.e. on the date line between Aquarius and a fish.


On the other hand, earth signs – taurus, virgo and capricorn – indicate practical intelligence. And fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) tend to be the most intuitive, so they are more inclined to take risks and fill leadership positions.

Now that you know where your intelligence potential lies, discover the power of your astrological sign and get on the road to life's success!

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