
At National Geographic, even wild animals are selfish

The art director of National Geographic, in cooperation with Diomedia, prepared an interesting advertising campaign, the essence of which is a series of fun photos of wild animals posing for a "selfie" photo in the mirror.

Silvio Medeiros is an artist who came up with an interesting idea. For a joint project National Geographic and Diomedes (Diomedia Stock Photos Brazil) has prepared a very special series of photos in which wild animals are photographed in the mirror. This is about imitating celebrities "selfies", who have taken over social networks and thus the message that nowadays just about anyone who owns a smartphone can be a photographer.

READ MORE: 30 photos of happy animals that will make you smile

In the gallery, let's take a look at a panda posing in an elevator, a tiger looking for the right angle in the bathroom mirror, and a kangaroo taking a photo of a cute miracle in its cozy bag next to itself.

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