At the end of April, a real spectacle awaits you in the night sky! What do astrologers say about him?
All of you who will April 27 look at the night sky, you will see a pink supermoon, the brightest and largest full moon in 2021. Although it will not be pink (so called because it appears in the sky at the time of the first flowering of pink flamingos or pink flowers, which often symbolizes spring), will definitely be closest to Earth and in this position also brighter and larger than a normal full moon.
Photo: Francesco Ungaro/Pexels
What do astrologers say about April's pink supermoon?
Astrologers emphasize that the energy will be on the day of the full moon, as well as a few days before and after April 27, especially intense. Many dynamic and strong emotions await us, what is hidden will come to the surface - from thoughts to emotional desires. Since this time the pink supermoon is in the sign of Scorpio, it should bring some comfort to your soul.
The pink supermoon asks us to be ourselves, yes we rest and focus on ourselves. This is the moment of the year when we need energy cleansing from bad energies and vibrations and filling with positive feelings.
The moon in its full glory is also a great teacher, teaching us that life goes in stages and that things are constantly changing. It encourages us, yes let's expand our horizons and our perspective.
Stop for a moment and look in the mirror – what do you see? Don't just look at the reflection, but dive deep into your soul. This challenge may seem ridiculous, but it will take a lot of courage and strength for many.
Nevertheless, facing yourself brings you something valuable and can reveal to you some of the more beautiful and brilliant dimensions of life.