
August 2024 brings big changes: Pay attention to these two dates!

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August 2024 will bring important astrological events that will affect our daily lives. Get ready for emotional upheavals and upheavals, as two key dates - August 4 and 19 - will bring extremely strong energies.

August 2024 will be in the sign of retrograde Mercury, which will thoroughly shake up all astrological signs. Special attention should be paid to two dates that will bring significant changes and affect our everyday life.

August 4: New Moon in Leo

On this day, the New Moon will be in the sign of Leo, but already on August 3, the moon will be in opposition to Pluto in the sign of Aquarius. An opposition means that the celestial bodies are on opposite sides of the zodiac, bringing tension and the need to find balance between two opposing energies. While Leo represents the expression of individuality and the need to be admired, Aquarius emphasizes innovation and social progress.

This opposition will trigger emotional extremes and challenge us to balance our personal needs with societal expectations. With its intense energy, Pluto will make sure that we have to look deep inside and face our hidden fears and desires. Emotions will be at their peak, so be prepared for an emotional carousel.

August - a time of change. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

The energetic influence of the Full Moon in Aquarius

The Full Moon in Aquarius will force us to consider our personal values and beliefs. It will highlight the contradictions between individual goals and common interests.

This is a time when a compromise will have to be found between what we want for ourselves and what is best for the community. Tensions between personal desires and community needs will come to a head, forcing us to reassess our priorities.

It is important to prepare for this astronomical event in advance. Think about your goals and values and how they align with societal norms and expectations. Be prepared for possible changes in personal and professional relationships. Try to remain open to new ideas and approaches that can help you achieve a better balance between personal ambitions and shared goals.

Changes are coming. Photo: Adrienn / Pexels

Aquarius energy will encourage us to find new ways to solve old problems. Creativity and innovation will be key to success in this period. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and try new approaches. This time is perfect for making changes and reframing your goals and plans for the future.

In addition to external changes, the Full Moon in Aquarius will also bring opportunities for inner growth and spiritual development. During this period, focus on your inner needs and desires. Meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual practices can help you better understand yourself and your place in the world. Strive for a balance between your inner world and external obligations.

August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius

The Full Moon in Aquarius will also bring tension, but in a slightly different way. The opposition between Aquarius and Leo is one of the most difficult, as it combines the need to preserve tradition with the desire for innovation and change. Leo strives for recognition and admiration, while Aquarius seeks progress and the betterment of society as a whole.

This full moon will highlight the tension between our ego and our collective needs. Leo wants to shine and be recognized, while Aquarius reminds us of the importance of social progress. This conflict can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and a need for change. It is important to be aware of these influences and try to find a balance between personal ambitions and social responsibilities.

What can we expect?

Pluto's energy will greatly influence our emotional state and relationships with others. On these two dates, we can expect extraordinary upheavals, emotional explosions and the need to adapt. It is important to stay calm, be aware of our inner conflicts and try to find a way to balance the different energies.

August 2024 will be a month of intense emotional experiences and important changes. August 4th and 19th will bring key moments when we will have to be ready to face deep internal changes and adjustments. Be ready for challenges and try to focus on finding a balance between your personal needs and societal expectations.

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