
Australia has found a way to save the waters from pollution, and everyone could do it

Australia has found a way to save its waters from pollution and everyone could use it.

Any attempt to save the planet seems doomed. Corporations and organizations are making people aware of the consequences that humans have on the environment, but no one has yet found a system to gradually limit the destruction of the planet. Despite millions, knowledge and experts, the theory remained just a dead letter on paper. Well, Australia just managed to find a way that works.

This year, the Australian authorities Henley Reserve Park in Kwinana installed simple system water filtration that really works. This consists of a large networks, which is installed at the exit from drainage pipes. While the water from the pipes are flowing, everyone waste is caught in a net to protect the environment from pollution.

The city authorities installed two networks on a trial basis this year, in which the caught 370 kilograms of garbage in a few weeks. Because of the positive results, the authorities decided to they install this filtration system all over the city. The production and installation of one network is expensive 10,000 dollars (about 9,000 euros), but this system provides saving in labor costs allocated to workers who manually collected waste.

The system works by networking, filled with waste, they take it off the pipe and taken to a waste sorting center. Networks then again placed on the pipe and the waste collection process continues. This filtration system proves that it is even a small step is important, as it has a positive impact on the environment and the human species.

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