
Austria introduces digital vignettes - no more sticking vignettes to the windshield

Digital vignettes in Austria

When you visit Austria next year, you will no longer need to stick a vignette on the windshield, as our northern neighbors will also introduce digital vignettes, which are already used in Hungary, in November 2017. Under the new system, the vignette will be linked to the vehicle's registration number and not to the windshield.

Austria is introducing in 2018 digital vignettes, which have been used in our neighborhood for several years Hungarians. The digital version will be tied to vehicle registration number, with which we say goodbye to gluing and time-consuming scraping of the vignette from the windshield.

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Soon you will no longer need to stick a vignette on your windshield when visiting Austria.
Soon you will no longer need to stick a vignette on your windshield when visiting Austria.

The digital vignette will be from November 2017 further can be purchased online on the website of the Austrian state highway company ASFiNAG or through dedicated mobile applications. They will continue to be available also physical vignettes. When will it follow the example of Austria and Hungary? Slovenia, is not yet known, but we hope that as soon as possible.

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