The portraits of the American painter, illustrator and writer Blake Neubert are only superficially ordinary. See what happens when he shoots them with a scraper. Attention! The scene can shock you!
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Maria Pettersson, an attractive Swedish pilot for the low-cost airline Raynair, is not like the rest of her colleagues. She's an online sensation with over 200,000 followers on Instagram, where she regularly posts snapshots of her busy life—whether it's from her office above the clouds while she's breathing or doing yoga—and she recently started a blog that gives an in-depth look into her profession.
Time is running out fast and it will be necessary to register for the Volkswagen Ljubljana Marathon 2016. Already the 21st Ljubljana Marathon, which has grown from a local event into an internationally renowned event due to its attractive route, will take place on October 30, 2016, when it will be held in Ljubljana next to the Ljubljanica river. also the river of male and female runners, who flood the streets of Ljubljana and the surrounding areas in larger numbers every year. Have you been training?
Imagine if there was a robot that would take care of your garden 24 hours a day and do all the gardening work for you - from planting, watering, spraying to removing weeds. Too good to be true, right? It won't hold. Such a robot already exists and it goes by the name of FarmBot Genesis, which could completely change the way we grow fruits and vegetables. It is an innovative open source solution from the American company FarmBot, which brings precision agriculture to the home.
Kino Park 2016 is approaching, an open-air cinema in Ljubljana's Tabor Park, which has transformed from an accompanying program into an independent event and is slightly bigger every year. Park Tabor, or more precisely, the ŠD Tabor sports field will turn into an annual cinema this year between August 29 and September 4, 2016, when 15 projections will be shown on the screen. Admission is free, the number of seats is limited, and your own chairs are more than welcome.
''More lights,'' said Goethe! The photographer says, more light! GoldenHour.One is a photo application that will delight all amateur and professional photographers, because it tells us when is the best time to capture a photo (the golden hour). What's more, it helps us choose the location with the best light, anywhere in the world. It is available for iOS users.
Barack Obama is saying goodbye to the position of President of the United States after eight years, and Pete Souza, the official photographer of the American President, who followed Obama practically every step of the way for eight years, recently revealed his favorite photos of the first black American President, who will have to vacate the position for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Among them are also photos that did not make it onto the front pages of newspapers.
The Olympics are officially open! Tonight, the 28th Olympic Games officially began in Rio de Janeiro. Behind us is a spectacular show, which was also a part of the Slovenian national team, which proudly walked around the Maracana stadium with Vasili Žbogar at the helm. Check out some fantastic highlights from the opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Today at midnight CET, the 2016 Summer Olympics begin in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the 28th time in a row. You can watch the opening ceremony live on TV Slovenija 2 or online on MMC TV. Rio 2016 is the first Olympic Games in South America, and there will also be a strong Slovenian expedition. Find out below when we expect the first Slovenian performances.
Rio 2016, the 31st Olympics that will take place in 37 venues, begins tonight (at 1:00 a.m. our time) with the opening ceremony. It will take place in the famous Maracana stadium, and six thousand volunteers will perform and dance there, who have been preparing for their points since May. Although every opening ceremony aims to surpass its predecessors in everything, Rio will cost only 10 percent of the money spent on the opening of the OI London 2012. The emphasis, according to the program's creative director, film director Fernando Meirelles (City of God, The Constant Gardener), it will be based on authenticity and rhythm, not so much on technology and special effects. Opening ceremonies have always been a feast for the eyes (and as you'll learn, money isn't everything), and below you can see the best Olympic opening ceremonies in history. Will the one from Rio be among them?
Have you ever wondered why David and all the other renaissance and antique statues are so small? Why did sculptors once depict men with small penises, when a large carrot is a symbol of masculinity? As it turns out, this was not always the case, as cultural values were once different and large penises were once not desired.
The Olympic spectacle begins today with the parade of the national teams, which has become a kind of fashion show, where the athletes show off their new Olympic outfits. The Olympic Committee of Slovenia entrusted the task of designing the Olympic collection to Sandi Murovec, who has already signed the last two collections, and many countries in the past entrusted the task of designing the Olympic collection to renowned fashion designers. Let's take a look at their creations.