After the mobile game Pokemon Go also drove Slovenians crazy (it has been available in Slovenia since Saturday), it seems that everywhere we turn, someone is looking for Pokemon. Finding Pokemon is a kind of art, but this time we offer you an alternative. Can you spot the Pokemon in these famous artworks? Finding Pokemon is truly an art!
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Would you pay more for a bottle of water than a bottle of fine wine? The most expensive Slovenian water, ROI - Roitschocrene mineral water, costs more than 50 euros, which is the amount to pay for a half-liter bottle! At the recent international evaluation of Finewaters natural mineral waters in the Chinese town of Gwangdžov, the water from Rogaška Slatina won two prestigious awards. And why haven't you heard of her? Because it is only sold abroad! Find out why below.
How to remove stubborn makeup stains from clothes? Learn about simple tricks that will help you get rid of make-up stains such as lipstick, powder, nail polish, eye shadow and mascara that have accidentally ended up on a dress or any other fabric, such as bedding. All you need are a few supplies you already have at home.
How to identify a cat lover? Even after the tattoo. Many cat lovers show their love for these pets with a cute tattoo. Looking for thief inspiration? You have come to the right address. Everyone who has a cat at home should get this tattooed!
Who says that fashionistas are only young and beautiful girls? Instagram's Fashion Dads profile proves that they can be the dads you thought were out of date (at least fashion-wise). Far from it, although we cannot admit that each of these fathers has a sense of style... Is your father also a fashion star like these fathers who have not stopped following fashion trends? Who needs fashion bloggers anyway?
How to replace iPhone battery? It's no secret that the iPhone's battery is bad, so it's no wonder that rumors are swirling that the iPhone 7 will come with a bigger battery. Let's face it, batteries are the Achilles heel of many smartphones. But unlike the competition, iPhone batteries cannot be changed without an authorized specialist. At least that's how we've been taught, and last but not least, we're forced to do so by the warranty, which becomes void if we tinker with the iPhone ourselves. If you are wondering about this fact or if your warranty has already expired and you want to remove the iPhone battery yourself, you have come to the right address!
Marriages and divorces are part of the celebrity world, as they proceed like on an assembly line. Hollywood marriages are typically short-tempered. The phrase "until death do us part" should therefore not be taken too seriously with celebrities. They themselves understand it more as "until I find someone younger, more beautiful..." Although short-term marriages are the rule rather than the exception, there are star marriages that prove that even in show business it is possible to find the love of your life . These are Hollywood laws that have been around for decades.
What is the hole in the pasta spoon for? If your answer is yes to draining water, then this is only partially correct, because the opening has another function, which will be especially welcomed by all of you who never know how much spaghetti to throw into boiling salt water.
Wondering what the iPhone 7 smartphone will look like? Wonder no more, as we reveal exclusive photos of Apple's new flagship, which will be officially unveiled in September 2016.
We have been running the wheel in a circle for the last 150 years, and the LFN-wheel (abbreviation stands for Looking For Name, which means that the name is still being sought) wants to turn the wheels of history in a different direction, because we do not run this wheel in the classic way, i.e. with a circular movement, but by pressing down. The drive is reminiscent of a stepper, an exercise device and an imitation of walking up stairs.
Do you know which are the tallest statues in the world? A colossal statue of the Chinese god of war Guan Yu was recently "discovered" in China. Although it is a massive monument that is 58 meters high, weighs over 1,320 tons and houses a museum of eight thousand square meters, it is still far from the tallest statue in the world. The tallest statues in the world are...
There is nothing better than a vacation spent with a good book in hand. Or by smartphone or tablet. Have you run out of room for a book in your suitcase? Can't imagine a vacation without reading on the beach? Then there are Plažnice, free short stories in the form of digital books from under the keyboards of renowned Slovenian authors, perfect for a summer break. You won't run out of new stories this summer, even if you ran out of space in your suitcase! Nova Plažnica is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until mid-September. Great ideas for summer reading!