The Swedish furniture giant Ikea not only has great products for the home, but also great ads. In his latest campaign, he wanted to show in a plastic way how affordable his products really are. So he placed them next to cans, pizzas, etc. Did you know that in Ikea you can get a bed for as little as 50 postage stamps and a coffee table for the price of three coffees?
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Do you know what is officially the best wine in the world 2016? This was recently announced at the most famous wine competition in the world, the Oscars for wines - Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA), at which Slovenian wines have also been receiving high awards for many years. The best part of the news is that the winning wine only costs a couple of Euros!
Sometimes the smallest things get on our nerves. From having us go to the bathroom just as we're getting comfortable on the couch, forgetting to buy the one and only thing we went to the store for, to having our laptop's operating system update just then, when we are most in a hurry. What annoys you the most?
The Polaroid Shot Glass Cube is a lens with an attachment for the Polaroid Cube and Cube+ sports cameras, which are primarily intended for filming extreme activities. Obviously, some people consider drinking to be extreme activities, so the next time you go to a party, take the Polaroid Shot Glass Cube with you and capture the fun through the eyes of your favorite alcoholic drink.
Although we associate modeling with youth, Philippe Dumas is proof that it's never too late for anything. Where there is a will there is a way. Philippe Dumas is a lawyer by education, but has worked in the film industry and advertising all his life, and is spending his third life as a photo model.
How is it easier to get out of bed earlier? Are you one of those who find getting up early a problem? They say that people who get up early are more successful and make better use of the day. It sounds simple in theory, but when it's time to get up, you'd rather smash the alarm clock into the wall. That's why we present five ways to make it easier to get out of bed earlier.
Mikroinstallations (in the original Mikroinstalacje) are half chairs, half deckchairs that revive forgotten parts of the city. Sitting on the stairs has never been too comfortable, and with the practical seats of Mikroinstallation, this is changing. Polish designers Magdalena Szwajcowska and Michał Majewski from No Studio signed up for the temporary installations by the river in the Polish city of Wrocław. Are you also missing something similar on the riverfront?
Did you know that in the right eye of the Mona Lisa are hidden the initials of the author of this most famous painting in the history of fine arts, Leonardo da Vinci, or that the painting Primavera (Spring) by Sandro Botticelli includes 500 types of plants? Learn about other secrets of famous works of art.
Did you know that McDonald's doesn't serve the same size portions of fries around the world? For example, a medium-sized Japanese fry has 454 calories, while a British one has "only" 337. The same applies to other fast food chains, such as KFC and Subway, where the same portions vary considerably. The same KFC hamburger in Canada is, for example, 35 grams heavier than its Australian "twin brother", and it also has 122 more calories. Check out other interesting comparisons of fast food portion sizes around the world.
Have you always dreamed of a portal like the ones you admire in sci-fi movies? Then we have great news for you. Dreams can now become reality. You can create the portal yourself at home, and all you need for it are two mirrors and LED strips.
Although the history of men's underwear is far from as varied and tumultuous as the history of women's underwear, this does not mean that their story is a lullaby. Quite the opposite. See how men's underwear has evolved over the past 100 years.
The infamous sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner do not rest. This time they signed again under Topshop swimwear. The new exclusive collection includes 37 pieces and consists of one-piece and bikini swimwear, as well as some tops that are also suitable for off-beach. Swimwear is already on sale.