Once upon a time, you could say. Or, remember, comrades. Growing up without electronic devices, namely. Today, children prefer to hang out on phones and tablets than on trees and playgrounds. But psychotherapist Niki Boon resisted this trend and raises her children away from electronic devices and in contact with nature.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
A classic mirror returns only a reflection. Naked, in addition to your reflection, gives you back much more. It is also a body scanner that visualizes the body and thus monitors what happens to it over time, and also measures things that are not visible to the naked eye. It communicates the information through a dedicated app, allowing you to monitor not only your weight and figure, but also muscle and fat mass.
At the Salone del Mobile furniture fair in Milan, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year, visitors were stunned by Offmat, a kitchen counter with an invisible kitchen sink. It is an experimental project of the design studio Marmo Arredo.
Planet of the Singles or Planet of the Singles, as the original Polish title is, is the third feature film of the "defected" Slovenian director Mitja Okorn, who, like before Letters of St. Nikolay was extremely successful. Now the love hit is also coming to Slovenian cinemas.
First-person shooter video games are one of the most popular genres of computer games, so choosing the best first-person shooters of all time was certainly not easy. Some of the ones on the list you will remember from your early youth, when the toy industry was still in its infancy, while others are more recent and we still "stuff" them today.
People release their anger, pain and frustration in different ways. One of the valves is cursing. Although it is not socially acceptable in principle, at least not around children and if you are in the role of a parent, many psychologists have proven that swearing is not only a harmless emotional outburst, but also beneficial to health. But this time we will not focus on the health, social and psychological consequences of cursing, but we present to you jewelry for those who like to curse.
If the logos were honest, probably no one would buy the products of many brands. Check out what brands would be called and what their logos would look like if they were selling the truth.
We recently learned what fitness equipment looked like 130 years ago. And if you thought the first fitness equipment was unusual, if not bizarre, then you certainly haven't seen the kind of equipment women in the US were using around 1940.
What would you change about yourself if you could change one thing, was the question they asked 50 people, adults and children. And while the adults did not surprise us with their answers, the children provided a positive surprise. Check out what they had to say.
Today, April 15, 2016, the largest chocolate in the world will be on display in Radovljica, which was prepared over a week in the Cukrček Chocolate Factory. It will consist of as many as 28 thousand pieces of milk chocolate! After measuring the world record for the world's largest chocolate for the Guinness Book of Records, you will be able to bite into a (chocolate) piece of history at the Chocolate Festival in Radovljica yourself!
The mobile landscape is like a living organism and is constantly changing, which is why the best smartphones of 2016 are already here. What was oh well in 2015 is now passé. Years in the world of technology are practically counted in months, so smartphone manufacturers are giving themselves podiums from which to deliver sound words about their latest mobile device that surpasses the competition. As the top is getting more and more condensed, we have prepared a selection of the best smartphones for 2016 to help you decide.
Amazon is trying to push the book out with its e-book readers, which seems understandable. But Chris Green, vice president of industrial design at Amazon Devices, says that "paper is still the gold standard of reading," adding that "it always will be." And Amazon wants to push the Kindle as close to that as possible.''And the Amazon Kindle Oasis is their latest attempt. Amazon's new e-book reader has a completely fresh design, the best specifications yet and a salty price.