Computer mogul Bill Gates and his wife Melinda were once again a guest on the show of the popular host Jimmy Fallon, where he promoted his charity website, among other things. In order to reach as many young people as possible, he and his wife made a viral video. In it, the father of Microsoft transforms into a DJ at a rave party. The youth are excited! You will too!
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Although the view of the office desk today is completely different from that of 20 or 30 years ago and technology is advancing at the speed of light, some of the office equipment and technology that took root in the 1970s are still used today. Guess which ones?
Boston Dynamics, a company owned by Google, released a video of a new, improved version of the humanoid robot Atlas, which amazes with its capabilities. He is able to open doors, pick up objects, walk on snow and pick himself up from the ground after a fall. Is humanity doomed? Is Judgment Day Coming?
You may not have heard of the British boutique brand Arash, but the Arash AF10 will make sure that's not the case anymore. The road monster, a hybrid supercar with as many as five engines (!) and 2080 (!) horsepower will be presented at the Geneva Motor Show and will put other supercars to shame with its "rude" characteristics.
Everyone makes a mistake in the kitchen when preparing food, but such cooking mistakes, as you will witness below, exceed all limits of incompetence. So you don't think you're the only one who ever has an accident. Quite the opposite. Compared to these cooking illiterates, you will feel like a real master chef, even if you are such an amateur. We present to you the greatest cooking pranks of all time, which will make you laugh.
Toblerone chocolate is considered to be one of the most popular chocolates in the world, which stands out from others mainly due to its shape. There's probably not one of you who hasn't gotten your hands dirty with a delicious triangle (and almost twisted your finger to break it off). But why would you take Toblerones from the store shelf again and again, when you can make this type of chocolate quickly and easily at home with this recipe.
You've probably already heard that Baywatch, the cult series that made David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson famous in the 90s, will get a movie version in 2017. The title character, Mitch Buchannon, will be played by none other than Dwayne Johnson - The Rock (The Fast and the Furious), and the other girl magnet will be Zac Efron (Grandpa Runaways), who will jump into Matt Brody's swimsuit.
Skiing outlaw Candide Thovex has released the highly-anticipated final installment in his jaw-dropping ski trilogy, One of Those Days. Daring maneuvers (driving through a tunnel, jumping on a gondola, etc.), even more daring jumps (parachute, helicopter, etc.); definitely don't try this on the ski slopes yourself!
2016 is a leap year. It's a year that has 366 days, which means it's the only year that also has February 29. Do you know why the second month of the year has 29 days every four years, one more than usual? You know what we call those who only celebrate their birthday every four years? Find out all this and more below.
Who hasn't heard of One Thousand and One Nights? If nothing else, we came across this collection of Arabic fairy tales, novellas, short stories, and humorous stories in high school literature classes. Well, on March 1, 2016, in the City Theater of Ljubljana (MGL), we will witness the premiere of the two-hour musical One Thousand and One Nights, based on the motifs of the libretto 1001 by Katja Perat.
The new Volkswagen Up! compared to its predecessor, it has undergone some cosmetic changes, but it remains largely the same. He only frowned a little. That's why so much more has changed beneath the surface. Volkswagen engineers invested most of their hours in the development of the new engine. From now on, it will be powered by a three-cylinder liter turbocharged petrol engine. The Germans will present it to the public for the first time at the Geneva Motor Show.
Alice Through the Looking Glass is a sequel to the 2010 film, a grotesque reinterpretation of the timeless classic as seen by the eccentric Tim Burton. Six years later, the original cast returns, and this time Tim Burton has moved into the background, as he will be "merely" a producer, leaving the director's baton to James Bobin.