Why are juicy brownies with blueberry jam the perfect holiday cake? In addition to gift-giving and cooking, these days are also characterized by a lack of time. We leave a large part of it in the shops, where we are looking for suitable gifts for our loved ones, and we leave just as much, if not more, in the kitchen to prepare pastries and other delicacies. And going back to the initial question. The answer is because brownies require only a few ingredients, practically no kitchen utensils and only as much time as one part of a humorous sequence lasts.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
The fusion of the culinary virtues of the French pastry chef and L'Occitan's knowledge of fragrances has given birth to three wonderful fragrance compositions that will be part of this year's festive narrative. They are named JASMIN-IMMORTELLE-NEROLI, PAMPLEMOUSSE-RHUBARBE and MIEL-MANDARINE. And one more piece of good news - a good man has already contacted us and left three L'Occitan products to be distributed to everyone who answers the prize question correctly.
What makes a good scene? Is this a game? Is this a script? Is it so that we humans can identify with the scene? Is it a combination of scene and music? Maybe a suspension? All of the above and more. Here are the 10 best movie scenes of all time that you just won't be able to watch. From the Russian roulette scene in The Deer Hunter to the coin toss in No Room for Old Men.
Most offices are boring. But considering the fact that we spend a large part of our lives there, the friendliness and stimulation of the work environment are still important. As you will see below, offices can be far from monotonous; we present to you the coolest offices in the world...
Wrapping presents is an integral part of the holidays. After you have visited the shops, brought home Christmas presents for your loved ones and friends, the most pleasant task awaits you: wrapping. But this causes headaches for many people, because wrapping is a kind of art. But as you'll find out below, it's possible to wrap a gift quickly and easily without it looking like a five-year-old wrapped it.
Michael Zee knows how to make a delicious and eye-catching breakfast, and when he started creating symmetrical meals for his partner and himself, the hearts of Instagram users melted. And you will melt too when you look at these beautiful portions, which are (practically) mirror images of each other, but there was no Photoshop or mirror at work, but the skillful hands and effort of Zee, who prepares such breakfasts every morning.
Door stops are usually overlooked by designers and are therefore a relatively boring piece of furniture that strictly serves its purpose. Most of us make do with a rubber or wooden wedge, or simply use folded paper or whatever is at hand. But the following door stoppers prove that even this often-overlooked piece of furniture can liven up your home.
Thanks to computers, the Internet and telepresence, more and more people today can work remotely. This offers many advantages for both the employee and the employer. But physical presence at the workplace also has its benefits. That's why a double robot called Double was created, which enables our presence in the office, even though we are actually at home. And so we are not deprived of any chat over coffee.
Some celebrities like to splurge with their money and indulge in things for amounts that are hard for the common man to imagine. Many of them struggled to get by from month to month before fame and are sometimes not used to being in the position they are in now, surrounded by a mountain of money. And what do they do with it? Are they investing it wisely? Donate it to the less fortunate and to charity? Some of them. More of them spend their green money to buy villas, expensive cars, dresses and the like. Luxury goods are just too tempting and the following celebrities could not resist the temptation. Here are 10 incredibly expensive celebrity purchases of 2015.
Coffee tables in the form of miniature swimming pools are the work of the Estúdio Rain design studio, which consists of architect Ricardo Innecco and designer Mariana Ramos. With their designs, they try to redefine everyday objects and give them a new meaning. The result is useful and at the same time artistic products with a pinch of humor. Everything that is also embodied by the pool tables from the "Swimming pool table collection" furniture collection.
Most men tuck their shirt into their pants or waist, but only a few know how to do it correctly. Luckily, the web is full of fashion tips and we've dug up a video that demonstrates how to wear a shirt tucked into your pants so you always look perfect in it.
For many, showering is like coffee. It is not only a matter of hygiene, but a ritual, a hobby and a time when we completely relax. Is showering really necessary or should you shower as often as you do? Showering is another type of body defense (the first is the immune system), whose task is to wash away bad bacteria and germs. So what happens when we stop showering?